
ABC Logic

ABC Greater Michigan Chapter Women’s Peer Group represents the interests of women within the construction industry and assists with increasing the quality and availability to women that will promote a positive image to other women within and outside of the industry.


1) To assist women who are presently in the industry though education, community, and networking, and 2) To provide a channel for women to enter the industry workforce.


To provide an environment where women can seek out encouragement, obtain factual confirmation, learn about career opportunities and resource information, all in regard to best practices within the industry.

Networking amongst industry trades

Sharing best practices within the industry

Encouraging fellow women aspiring to be in leadership

Introducing and inspiring women into the industry for future opportunities

Paying-it-forward through charitable outreach

Focusing on recruitment, involvement in, and promotion of LOGIC and ABC


Activities set quarterly by Committee Leadership:

Networking events

Leadership Panels

Speaking Opportunities/Career Fairs/College Outreach

Charitable Events/Community Service Projects

ABC fund logo
Alloy logo

Primary Communities Served


Greater Lansing



Bay City



Ann Arbor